Comments on: Hacking Seconds Explained Fully Independent Watch Website Wed, 22 Dec 2021 18:50:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: Oscar Klosoff Wed, 22 Dec 2021 18:50:50 +0000 In reply to NotEinstein.

How else will you know exactly how inaccurate the watch is?

But do note that some mechanical watches are accurate enough to not wander quite that quickly, as seen here:

By: NotEinstein Wed, 22 Dec 2021 05:46:20 +0000 It’s a waste of time (sic) to set a mechanical watch to exact time unless you intend to do it every day unless your being paid by the second of course. Otherwise it’s just a toy.

By: Robert Farago Sun, 06 Sep 2020 15:35:53 +0000 In reply to Oscar Klosoff.

Guilty as charged.

By: Oscar Klosoff Sun, 06 Sep 2020 15:34:13 +0000 I grew up with war and espionage dramas that loved the tropes of exact countdowns, synchronized strikes, etc. Even teen comedy Parker Lewis had the recurring “synchronize Swatches” gag. But I quickly learned that the teacher didn’t care about any time but the one on the wall and contesting it was pointless. Much of my life was of a Cartier tank mindset: I’m not a nurse taking pulses so seconds don’t matter.

But the old “entertainment center” killed all that. Just as jeweler watch displays tend to set all the watches to the same static time so, you know, they don’t all look like they’re all keeping different time, once televisions and VCR’s made it so two or more different digital time displays were visible together, this error needed correction to avoid being a constant annoyance. Any discrepancy between them was unbearable.

Once I had a few watches, it became a thing to note that every month or so the minutes were out of agreement and to align them to some reference. But then the damned cellular telephones got second displays. Suddenly everyone had a seemingly indisputable uniform time always at hand, and there was no debate about whether one was actually late for the meeting or not. Exact minute and seconds mattered once again.

Of course the synchronization takes at least a couple minutes for each time piece, so I still only do it every few weeks. But then I’m a quartz fan, so I don’t need to do it much more. But I recently discovered that the reference time on the computer clock and the cell phone were many seconds apart. My world was shattered. What was real anymore?

I was going to goof on this Hodinky app and the tenths of a second. But then I remembered this issue of the hourly chime of my Casio and cell phone app slowly diverging from unison to a full second or more apart. I feel I’m setting myself up for unhappiness with this. The price of the joy of seeing a bunch of watches running with the second hands all parallel to one another is getting perturbed when entropy inevitably disrupts this. But at least I know that others have this mania.
